Mesothelioma lung cancer
is one of the uncommon yet serious type lung cancers. It is s a malignanttype of cancer which affects the tissue linings of the lungs. This arises from the Mesothelium, whichis composed of thin layers of tissues called Parietal and Visceral membranes. These cover most body organs and cavities including the lungs, abdominal organs, and heart. Mesothelium hasdifferent names depending on the organ that it protects. For the lungs, it is called the pleura whilefor the heart and abdomen, it is called the pericardium and peritoneum respectively. Thesestructures allow the organs to move freely, glide easily and prevent friction which causes damageand injury to the organs.In a Mesothelioma lung cancer, the mesothelium undergoes abnormal changes causing its cells touncontrollably multiply. This disorderly growth of cells may lead to metastasis, which is the spreadand invasion of the cancer cells to different sites, adjacent organs or even distant organs of the body.Most common sites affected are the pleura and the peritoneum.Studies have shown that one of the most common identified risk factor for this serious type of lungcancer is the exposure to Asbestos.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals thathad been popularly used for commercial purposes. This type of mineral came from two differentmineral groups called Serpentine and Amphobile. These types of mineral fibers are fine and flexiblewith high tensile strength, difficult to tear, and are virtually indestructible by any chemical or biolgical process. These are commonly found on industrial and domestic products such as cement,shingles, fireproof paint, brake linings, roof coatings, flooring products, and asbestos clothing. Thehazardous occupational and environmental exposure is one of the most identified factors of developing this type of cancer.
Majority of these individuals who develop Mesethelioma acquirethis through direct exposure: by being exposed to asbestos dust while on the job; or indirectexposure: by being exposed to asbestos fibers found on the clothes from someone who has workedin areas where asbestos dust was found.The diagnosis of Mesothelioma lung cancer, however, can be very difficult because the disease mayundergo a latency stage which means that it would take decades for the symptoms to begin toappear and by that time, the cancer is already within its advanced stages.
Several tests are used indiagnosing Mesotheliomia. These include chest x-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, and a biopsy. These testswill help in determining the condition of the lungs and its cells. Upon the the diagnosis, the doctor will also do a complete physical examination and a medical history to determine prior exposure of the patient to asbestos. The common signs and symptoms of Mesothelioma depend on its location.Most of these patients experience difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain, andgeneralized fatigue. However, acute pain will be more evident in the chest for pleural and pericardial mesothelioma, and in the abdominal region for peritoneal mesothelioma.Treatment includes different types of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The NationalCancer Institute (NCI) is now sponsoring research studies for the discovery of new treatment for this type of cancer. Nonetheless, the reduction from these occupational and environmentalexposures to these toxic substances can still be the most effective way of preventing this deadlytype of cancer to upset the mankind.
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